8 foods to give you more energy

The vast majority of people live a hectic routine, full of activities that consume their mood, so they end up using caffeine, alcohol and sugar as stimulants. But the extra energy gain for the body can be achieved through the adaptation of eating habits and without the use of devices that are harmful to health and cause dependence.

American author Cynthia Sass, who has written several bestsellers on healthy eating and is a master of nutrition and public health, in an interview with Heatlh magazine, said that in order to eat more energetically, you need to avoid food and drinks composed of aggressive, processed and refined-grained stimulants, as they promote energy spikes that momentarily resolve energy needs but promote even or greater later fatigue.

Given this, nutritionist Isabella Peixoto, has made a list of eight foods that can be used to maintain the body's energy uniform and at a good level, nourishing the body without aesthetic or health damage, check:

1 ? Whole grain bread

Bread is the staple food of most people's breakfast and snacks, and when it is made of whole grains, it brings much more energy benefits to the body, as the absorption of its carbohydrates will be made by the body more gradually, which allows to keep the body with balanced energy.

2 ? cereal bar

Cereal bars, like whole grain bread, are stable sources of energy because they are also made from whole grains. This food is an excellent option for keeping the body nourished at snacks between main meals.

3? Grape

Grapes are rich in natural sugar and contain nutrients such as B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, iron, calcium and potassium, all of which are excellent for keeping the body well.

One of the most important components of this fruit is resveratrol, which protects cells by having antioxidant action and beneficial to the circulatory system. This component strengthens the immune system and maintains the balance of pumping blood through the body so that it can be free. of diseases, with nutrients in good distribution and capable of supporting activities.

4? Mango

Mango is also on the list of partner fruits for those who want to keep the body energetic and able to move as it contains vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and B5, phosphorus, calcium, iron, protein, fat and carbohydrates, which increase physical stamina and strengthen bones.

5? Yam

Is yam a great ally for those who want to keep their body energy up because it is high in carbohydrates, low in fat, is known to be an astringent of bad substances to the body and is a fortifier of lymph nodes? very important for the balance of the body's defense system.

One proof that yam is an excellent vegetable to make available is that Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt and former American swimmer Michael Phelps have revealed in interviews that they use yam to keep their energy levels healthy.

6? Broccoli

Broccoli helps the body to stay well-disposed as it is rich in iron and vitamin C, nutrients that combined contribute to the prevention of anemia and its consequent symptom of tiredness.

7? Bean

Beans are essential to keep the body strong for daily activities, because it is composed, in addition to iron, minerals that prevent cancer and other damage to the body, ie consuming it is finally oxidative stress.

8? Whole yogurt

Natural yogurt, in addition to regulating the gut and helping to expel bad elements, has B-complex vitamins that aid in oxygenation of cells and improve the efficiency of nerve impulses, being a food indicated both to keep the defense system up to date, as to help those who have constant mental activities.

3 Foods That Will Boost Your Energy Levels in 7 Days (April 2024)

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