Disabled people gain the job market as photographic models

In mid-2007, photographer Kica de Castro created in São Paulo a different agency: she has only models with some kind of physical disability in casting. Aiming to value and include these professionals in a market that did not yet shelter them, it defied the standards and brought hope and opportunity for many, starting with only 5 models and today with around 85 nationwide.

"At first I had no support from even people with disabilities, they did not believe the market would open the door to diversity, but we have proved and are still struggling to show that beauty and disability are not opposite words?" says the photographer.

"There is no single standard of beauty, the universe is made up of diversity, beauty cannot be left out of that inclusion?" Kica emphasizes, reaffirming the need to value all kinds of beauty and eradicate prejudice in all areas of the labor market.

Human projects like this show how crucial it is to treat people with disabilities with equal dignity and to provide them with good opportunities and to support the end of prejudice.


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