Step by step to prepare and bathe your baby

Baby bath time, a time of intimacy between parents and children, can be very special. However, you need to take some basic precautions to make the baby bath enjoyable for both him and you. So check out the step-by-step to prepare and bathe your child.

Prepare everything in advance

The first step to take is to prepare in advance everything you need to bathe your child. Choose a suitable location: The best place is always where you can set up the tub, move around to bathe your baby, and if possible, where you can organize all the changing clothes.

Close doors and windows to prevent drafts, leave everything you need, towels, toiletries, clean diapers, clean clothes, ready and never, under any circumstances, leave the baby alone during the bath. Also, prefer to bathe your baby at the hottest time of day.


Another important step is to sanitize the bathtub with soap and water before and after the shower. Water, whose temperature should be carefully checked (ideal temperature is around 36 degrees), should occupy about two thirds of its volume. There is no need to change the bath water during the bath, as babies are not so dirty as to compromise the water. However, if your child regurgitates, defecates, or urinates while bathing, you need to clean and change the bath water so that you can start all over again.

Hygiene products

The most commonly used soaps are both in one, which act as soap and shampoo. They are soft, have delicious smells and are offered by various brands of children's products. However, most dermatologists recommend using neutral soaps to avoid any risk of allergy. There is no need to use these products on newborns. The product can be used after 6 months and in small quantity. Importantly, whatever product you choose, it must be specific to babies.

Where to start?

It is suggested to start the bath by washing the baby's head. Put it in the bathtub and start by washing your child's hair and face. The baby's bath begins with the hair as a matter of hygiene. The scalp is one of the places where there is more dirt. When you wash it last, it will pass through the baby's body, which is already clean. Hair washing can be set aside on colder days, but do so only if the scalp is clean, with no leftover milk, food, ointment, or scabbing that usually appears in the early months of life. Leave the genitals and butt last.

Bath Frequency

According to experts, there is not an exact number of baths. Ideally, babies should bathe every day. However, there is no danger in skipping the bath as long as you do at least a superficial cleansing using damp cloths or cotton before bed.

Bathing your Newborn (April 2024)

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