The 5 most performed plastic surgeries in the world

Have you ever done or want to have a plastic surgery? If the answer is no, then you may at least know someone who has undergone such a procedure.

According to the latest report from the International Society of Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), published midway through last year with data for 2015, 21 million surgeries of this kind were performed over a 12-month period.

The world leader in plastic surgery is the United States, with 4,042,610 (18.6% of the world total). Brazil was in second place in the ranking, with 2,324,245 surgeries (10.7%).

A curiosity: Brazil is the country where most plastic eye surgery is performed, representing 11.3% of the records of this procedure worldwide (143,165 times). Nevertheless, the most common plastic surgery around here is liposuction, with 182,765 records. Now, know what are the most common plastic surgeries around the globe:

5. Rhinoplasty? 730,287

Rhinoplasty, or nose plastic surgery, was performed 730,287 times, which is equivalent to 7.6% of all procedures in this branch of medicine.

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This technique is often sought by patients who wish to remove a bulge, narrow the width of the nostrils or raise the tip of the nose, but can also have a positive effect on the organ's physiological function.

4. Tummy Tuck? 758,590

With 758,590 records, abdominoplasty represented 7.9% of all plastic surgeries performed worldwide. This procedure is usually sought by those who have excess fat and skin in the region between the navel and the pubis.

The tummy tuck can still correct the sagging (coming from the concertina effect or from a pregnancy) and correct scars from previous surgeries that do not look very pleasant.

3. Blepharoplasty? 1,264,702

Blepharoplasty, the technical name for eyelid surgery, was in the third position on the list, representing 13.1% of all plastics performed during the research period. A curiosity: if we consider only male patients, blerafoplasty would be in first place, being the most common plastic among them.

This procedure is most sought after by patients over 30 who have signs of aging in the eye region, such as fat accumulation and sagging.

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2. Liposuction? 1,394,588

Although it was in second place in the world ranking, representing 14.5% of all plastics, is liposuction the greatest champion in Brazil? around here, 182,765 lipos were recorded in the reporting period.

It is worth remembering that, unlike what you think, liposuction is not a surgery indicated for weight loss, but for the remodeling of body contour. Therefore, patients need to be at or just above their ideal weight.

1. Augmentation mammoplasty? 1,488,992

Breast augmentation, better known as "silicone", was the most popular plastic surgery on the globe, accounting for 15.4% of the total. Records include both aesthetic surgeries to increase breast volume and reconstruction surgeries of patients who underwent mastectomies (total or partial breast removal).

Although silicone prostheses are the first technique that comes to mind, the total number includes surgeries performed with saline injection (64,674) and fat grafting (113,189). However, these values ​​are nowhere near the amount of plastic for silicone prosthesis placement: 1,311,129.

Finally, it is interesting to note the data released by ISAPS on the gender of patients: while men accounted for only 14.4% of plastic (3 million), women were with 85.6% (18 million). That is, these surgeries are still much more popular among the female public. Do you agree?

Also read: Is there a contraindication for plastic surgery?

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