YouTube's Top 5 Wedding Dances

When planning a wedding with a reception, one of the points that always generate many doubts and fears is the dance of the bride and groom. The first dance of a couple as husband and wife is a remarkable moment and should be enjoyed with joy and confidence.

Many couples have a special song and usually this song is the one that is danced. When grooms do not have a shared taste song that relates to their relationship, they should look for something that reflects the feelings they share.

Groom dance music need not necessarily be romantic, it must symbolize the strength of the couple's union, which may be romance, but also companionship or mutual fun, for example.

The wedding dance must be planned from the beginning of the preparations. When wedding planning foresees dance from the beginning, the time is sufficient for the couple to practice on their own or with the help of a teacher by signing up for dance classes.

Practicing together or learning to dance with a teacher adds elegance to this moment on the special day as it prevents the couple from being inhibited and embarrassing themselves and their guests by dancing awkwardly and just to fulfill tradition.

The style of dance to be performed depends not only on the song chosen, as adaptations are possible, but on the amount of time one is willing to practice. Some styles are easier than others, so the couple should look for a style that meets the need and eliminates the possibility of stress and frustration.

The most traditional style of dance in weddings is waltz, but it is quite formal and does not match any music. Tango is another classic, which also has limitations on the pace to be associated. The foxtrote, one of the most performed styles, has simple learning and works well with both love songs and ballads. Lively couples often resort to more casual and casual options, such as ballroom dancing and swing, which are easy to learn in a short time.

Tips for Success in Wedding Dance

  • Take the opportunity to dance together as a couple in clubs, lounges or even in the living room;
  • If you find it interesting, start by taking partner dance classes just to get an idea of ​​moving together on a dance floor;
  • About two or three months before your wedding, consider enrolling in private lessons. One-on-one lessons allow the choice of a song and choreography with the help of a professional, who a few weeks before your wedding can be a great ally that helps in improving movements;
  • Make the choreography and step selection according to the type of clothing you are wearing so that there are no accidents. If you have no practice, avoid elaborate movements;
  • Limit dance time to about 2 minutes to prevent guests from feeling bored;
  • Make the first dance of the couple a surprise. Try not to comment on blogs, or tell guests;
  • Let the ceremonialist know about dance so she can organize the floor space and the guests space;
  • If something goes wrong right now, improvise and relax.

According to wedding choreographer Gil Rangel, many couples are using the moment of dance in their party to have fun, taking inspiration from movies. “Movie choreography is on the rise now. I've been rehearsing an average of five Dirty Dancing couples a month and other movie choreographies like Por a Cabeza, the Women's Perfume Tango ?.

Here are 5 wedding dances of different styles to inspire you to create yours:

Regardless of the choice of music and dance style or whether or not you will have the help of a professional, the important thing is that the couple feel together. Having resourcefulness and originality are key to impressing friends and family and making the dance memorable for all for many years.

Surprise wedding dance from Brothers & Sisters (April 2024)

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