Guide to ending the relationship elegantly

Of course no one wants to talk about it, but relationships are by nature hard to maintain for a long time. Therefore, the chances of your boyfriend becoming your ex-boyfriend are very high. So if you are facing a bad phase in the relationship and thinking about breaking up with your partner, we have prepared a guide to help you understand the phases of separation and learn how to deal with them without losing your way.

Phase 1 ? mourning period

When ending a relationship, it is absolutely normal to feel sad and disappointed: what matters is how we deal with these feelings. Try to be surrounded by dear people, especially your friends. Isolating yourself may seem like a tempting idea, but it will be the easiest way to remember the relationship.

This is the right time to calm your sadness by doing things for yourself. Going to the mall, the cinema or the beauty salon, as well as acquiring long-desired pampering, are ways to keep your self-esteem high and not be shaken.

Ideally, focus your energies on yourself now. Do things that please you, buy things that please you, be with people who please you. No matter how big your pain, if you take care of yourself it will pass faster.

Level 2 ? taking the reins of the situation

The biggest difficulty after completion is overcoming the feeling of ownership. Imagining your ex with others usually causes so much jealousy that it's hard to separate ownership from love, in fact.

With social networks in full swing, it's even more complicated to remain ignorant of what the boy is doing with his life. For this reason, you may want to exclude him from your Facebook friends network, for example, and avoid contacting or asking about his life, even if you feel like it.

The ideal is not to humiliate yourself for the other person. Bothering you with phone calls and messages is not just boring, it's impolite. Forgive him heartily for the mistakes you may have made and try not to think of him as your enemy. Even if you have hopes of getting back in the relationship, go about your life without depending on it.

Stage 3? solving practical details

It's no use trying to return your ex things that were left with you, or even get your things that were left with him, while you're sad and angry about what happened. However, once you realize that you feel better about the breakup, put a definite end to the relationship by taking these actions. If you are ending a marriage, this is the time for you to discuss the terms of divorce in a civil manner.

Ideally, avoid at all costs dramatic scenes or the famous 'shacks'. Aren't you together anymore but you don't have to hate each other? and this kind of situation favors anger. If possible, arrange with him a way of not finding him when you pick up his things or return his. If the issue is really a divorce, try to understand its side and not argue for every penny. If you realize that you can't understand each other, hiring a good lawyer may be the best way out.

Stage 4? finding a new love

No need? and isn't it pretty? that you go out with the first handsome guy you come up with, just to show you are over the end of your previous relationship. However, over time, finding a new mate can be great. If you're not interested right now, fine. Enjoy your single phase and prepare your heart for a future new relationship.

Remember that it is extremely elegant to know how to deal with the phases of a separation. Preserving your physical and emotional integrity, will you overcome this delicate moment without letting yourself down? and will come out of it more powerful than ever.

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